Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008


You see that new header thing I made for my wondrous bloggin? Yeah. It used to be animated. Like, it was legit. but apparently you cant use GIF's for the thing on the top? I was extremely satisfied with the way it looked, but. HAH. Fail, it didn't work. So. You should look at the animated one, because its way cooler. Go crazy.

Yeah dude. Le-git.

I should do homework now. I have a feeling Honors Humanities is out to get me, and my little dog too. If you know what i mean.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy November!

Grahhhh. I'm sorry, blog. I have neglected you for too long.
I need to find more time for you. I just want you to know that
it's not you, it's me.


Yes. It's November. Which means Thanksgiving month.
I love Thanksgiving. Everything about it makes me dance
with glee. Especially the leftovers at the lovely home of
Megan. :)

I saw Jason Mraz last night. So. Good. You should make a
point of seeing him live before you die. Just sayin.

Well. I should go. And holler for daylight savings time.

Enjoy your extra hour of sleep, my friends.
