Sunday, November 2, 2008


You see that new header thing I made for my wondrous bloggin? Yeah. It used to be animated. Like, it was legit. but apparently you cant use GIF's for the thing on the top? I was extremely satisfied with the way it looked, but. HAH. Fail, it didn't work. So. You should look at the animated one, because its way cooler. Go crazy.

Yeah dude. Le-git.

I should do homework now. I have a feeling Honors Humanities is out to get me, and my little dog too. If you know what i mean.


Mel said...

Animated banner is cool.
Too bad blogger doesn't allow it.

Stubborn thing.

Anonymous said...

that's a cool header! :)

except for... be thankful. kuz blogger allows you to put HTML in the side bar, and wordpress doesn't. wordpress = fail. i was all, i want to put a cbox and countdowns and really amazing stuff in the sidebar of my wordpress blog. and what does it say? it says i can't. it says i can use SOME html. why don't they just say, you can't use ANY html at ALL!??!?!?!

[/end rant]



p.s. you know what else? blogger won't import blogs from wordpress. if it wasn't for that, i would import my wordpress blog to blogger. and you know what else is stupid? when you look up "how to import blogs" on the blogger help thing, it says you can. but then when you go do it, you can't.