Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Fare thee well, 2008.

To be totally and completely cliche, this year has gone by so incredibly fast. It's amazing to just think of all that's happened in these past 12 months...what kind of change has taken place. Going over these thoughts in my mind makes me think of what I was thinking last year, on December 30, 2007. Overall, I would say my 2008 has been better than my 2007. Lets ponder some highlights, shall we? First off, I had such a great volleyball season. Probably the most memorable one yet. I got incredibly close with the girls on my team, and we bonded like no other. Next off, I saw Radiohead. They definitely have the most epic live show I've ever seen--Switchfoot is a close second, of course ;] and even though I was covered in pot smoke the whole night, it was just pure glory. I would say I got a lot closer to my brothers this year, and I can say that I most likely wont at all enjoy the aspects of being an only child next year. Whatever that entails, hahaha. I grew closer to a lot of people this year, and grew further apart from others. I've truly found a spot where I belong, and where I plan on staying for a while. Life this year has been quite the journey. I've had my ups and downs, but I've always come out realizing that I'm loved and that I will never be in this alone. As I look to the future, there's of course some things I want to change, New Year's Resolutions, as you may call them. For one, I need to freaking blog more. I've neglected this thing like no other. I've also just been incredibly lazy this year, and I want to change that. Lazy in school, lazy in sports, and more importantly, lazy in my relationship with God. I want to have that desire to do better again. I want to be more involved in change.

So, here's to you, 2008. Good times.

And now the fun part! My Top Ten Albums of 2008---(although in no particular order)

1. Sleep Through the Static by Jack Johnson

2. Lucky by Nada Surf

3. Evil Urges by My Morning Jacket

4. We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things by Jason Mraz

5. Limbs and Branches by Jon Foreman

6. Viva la Vida by Coldplay

7. New Surrender by Anberlin

8. Narrow Stairs by Death Cab For Cutie

9. Unfamiliar Faces by Matt Costa

10. Be OK by Ingrid Michaelson

Alright, hopefully you'll be seeing more of me blogging in 2009. Peace.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008


You see that new header thing I made for my wondrous bloggin? Yeah. It used to be animated. Like, it was legit. but apparently you cant use GIF's for the thing on the top? I was extremely satisfied with the way it looked, but. HAH. Fail, it didn't work. So. You should look at the animated one, because its way cooler. Go crazy.


Yeah dude. Le-git.

I should do homework now. I have a feeling Honors Humanities is out to get me, and my little dog too. If you know what i mean.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy November!

Grahhhh. I'm sorry, blog. I have neglected you for too long.
I need to find more time for you. I just want you to know that
it's not you, it's me.


Yes. It's November. Which means Thanksgiving month.
I love Thanksgiving. Everything about it makes me dance
with glee. Especially the leftovers at the lovely home of
Megan. :)

I saw Jason Mraz last night. So. Good. You should make a
point of seeing him live before you die. Just sayin.

Well. I should go. And holler for daylight savings time.

Enjoy your extra hour of sleep, my friends.


Monday, September 29, 2008


Hmm. Haven't seen this thing in a while..
I'm not really sure what to write about.
Oh! So San Diego. Weather is pretty much non-existent
here. It's been SUPER hot lately. Like, quite unbearable
at times. But this morning around 6 am, I was startled
by thunder and lightning and quite the downpour. It
was weird. I opened up my window and my blinds and
just sat there for a while, just watching and thinking.
It was amazing. Real weather makes me so excited, and
makes me think about things I normally don't spend too
much time thinking about. It was nice. Hahaha. After the
rain died down, I went back to sleep, and woke up around
10, and it was typical San Diego, 90 degrees and sunny,
just a few clouds in the sky. I was super weirded out and
thought maybe I dreamed the whole thing. So yeah. I have
NO idea where that little mini storm came from, but boy, was
it nice.

Oh and meep! Gabby's birthday is tomorrow. And I love her face
very much. So you should say Happy Birthday to her and make
her cookies or something. Or give her one of those awkward
crude birthday cards. Because everyone loves those.

But love is dollar that's already spent
And love is a song that we've sung
There's war in my blood
Love ain't the tune in my lungs
-War In My Blood by Fiction Family


heres a small playlist of some songs i dig. hope you like. :]

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Life is a maze, and love is a riddle

A few songs have had be pretty obsessed for the past few days.
I'm really hoping I don't overplay them and get sick of them.
Because I immensely enjoy them. And I hate when songs are overplayed.
It just ruins the original magic of it. I guess that's the bummer
that sometimes comes with a great song. Anyways. You should
check them out, if you don't know them, because they are pretty
dang fantastic. Here we go.

1. The Show by Lenka

I'd never heard this girl before a few days ago. She's kind of like,
Regina Spektor with a cool accent. This song really describes me,
in a way. It's upbeat and the video's fun and perky, but the
lyrics are meaningful. There's also 'dum-dee-dum's' at the end,
which automatically makes any song good.

"I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle

Life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why
I am just a little girl
lost in the moment
I'm so scared
but don't show it
I can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show"

I love that. Sometimes, it's important to just let it go,
whatever it may be,
and enjoy what you have and what's around you.
I think I need to realize
that more often.

2. Cinderella by Steven Curtis Chapman

Ah. This song. It's just, beautiful. I don't really
listen to him all that
often, but. This song. It's just.Amazing.
There aren't really words to
describe how much I love it.
And the story behind it is just heart wrenching,
and it really makes you appreciate what you have,
before it's gone.

"Well, she came home today with a ring on her hand
Just glowing and telling us all they had planned
She says, 'Dad, the wedding's still six months away
But I need to practice my dancing.
Oh, please, Daddy, please?'

So I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh, I will dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone."


3. Boats and Birds by Gregory & The Hawk

This girls voice is incredible. And yet, there's really nothing
incredibly incredible about it.It's just so..fragile.
So vulnerable. So ordinary,
and yet so perfect. It almost puts you to sleep.
It's actually on my sleeping
playlist. So. It's basically a lullaby.
This song is just lovely.

"If you'll be my boat
I'll be your sea
A depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity
Ebbing and flowing and pushed by a breeze
I live to make you free"


So yes. You should go look up those songs. It would make me glad,
and hopefully you too.

Let it go, enjoy the show.

Dance with your Cinderella before she's gone.

If you'll be my boat, I'll be your sea.



In other news, Switchfoot in five days! And in six days! :]

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Meat Face


this makes me happy and creeps me out all at the same time. bahaha.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wake Up, You're Alive

Have you ever had one of those moments? Those "Holy crap. I'm alive. How cool is that?" moments? I don't know about you, but I tend to get those a lot. It's mostly when I'm complaining about something or ranting about stupid things that don't really matter. It's just something I do. I complain about petty things that aren't worth complaining about, like sitting in a fake SAT this morning for five hours. Then I realize how fortunate I am to have an education like that, or legs that can move and a working heart for the matter. I think it's God reminding me how amazing it is to simply just, be alive. Also, I always find myself asking for more things, more stuff. Isn't just being alive ENOUGH? Society keeps telling us that these material things are more important than anything, and to fill our lives with them. Why do we beg for all this when we've been promised something so much better? Well, heh. Maybe I'm the only one that ever has those kind of moments, or maybe not. Maybe that didn't make sense to anybody, maybe it did. I don't really care., to tell you the truth. It's my blog. I do what i want. :]

I hope you have a wonderful day, or night. Or the time in between those two.

In other news: Viva La Vida.

Monday, September 1, 2008


So. Woo. I shall blog now.

Make yourself useful and go climb a tree or something. :]

I'll leave you with a bit of insight.

